Planning for next year – What We Did

It’s been almost a month since the last CADS meeting. We’ve had a mix of school holidays, exam leave and exams. The Year 13s have also left CADS due to their A Levels and this year we only have 5 more sessions.

To get back into the swing of things, we decided to brainstorm ideas that we would like to learn next year. Here is a list of some of the things that we thought that we’d like to do in the next year (some of which we have decided on).

  • Trip to a local cyber security company
  • Learning Linux basics
  • Pen testing
  • CVI (cyber investigations on companies/teams)
  • Presentation Skills
  • Hashing and Encryption
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Personal Statement Writing
  • CV Building
  • Interview Skills
  • Updating CADS (branding, website, advertising)
  • More trips (GCHQ, National Crime Agency)
  • History of Cyber Security
  • More cool talks
  • Networking (mapping, management, structure, ports and functions, pinholes)
  • Traffic snooping and spoofing
  • Internet and computer law
  • How malware spreads today (modern threats with malware, e.g. power plants)
  • Cyber Warfare
  • Celebrities and Stalking (cyber risks and common sense online)
  • Touch typing
  • Encryption and Tor
  • Building Networks
  • More trips
  • Local careers fair

Apart from the list, we had a discussion about the new students who would be joining next year and some other internal stuff.